Dawes Literary Manuscript Consultancy

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Literary Manuscript Consultancy is a service for writers of literary works in Poetry. Kwame Dawes is the sole consultant for this service. We are not accepting submissions at this time.

All submissions should be in Word or PDF format. Prose submissions should be double-spaced.  In poetry submissions, each poem should begin on a new page. All pages must be numbered.  Please use Times Romans or an equivalent font 12pt.  

Clients will receive an acknowledgment upon the receipt of each submission.  

All consultations will involve the following:

  • A close reading of a manuscript or proposal (anthologies) submitted to Dawes.  
  • Dawes’ response to the reading of the manuscript or proposal will be recorded in careful notes and suggestions will be forwarded to the author.
  • An hour-long Skype, Zoom, or telephone conversation to discuss the notes and answer questions that the author may have about the review of the manuscript or proposal  

Further consultations beyond this point will be negotiated as necessary.

All manuscripts and proposals with notes will be returned to the author within thirty (30) days of receipt.  Expedited reviews will be handled on a case-by-case basis depending on Dawes’ schedule.  

Dawes Literary Manuscript Consultancy